What You Need To Know About A Flatness Measurement Tool

What You Need To Know About A Flatness Measurement Tool

A flange flatness measurement and parallelism tool are mostly seen in action when working with windmill towers, or in other instances where a blade with a spinning laser is being applied. While there are other applications for this technology, these specific machines are usually used within these industries. With ideal delivery of data and a simple design, these can be used to find any inconsistencies when installing, repairing or maintaining machines. When dealing with alignment it is integral to get the perfect insights to ensure all elements work correctly. Usually, in these instances, downtime equals money lost and massive costs, so it is best to get it right from the start. Read on to find out all you need to know about these useful resources.

The Main Applications

The Easy-Laser E915 for example is primarily used for flange levelling and parallelism of windmill towers as it can not only cover the span of the elements but also utilise all pints to ensure the topmost precision in design installation. While this may be its speciality, these machines can also be used to measure any application that needs to be flat or parallel. This can come in handy from construction spaces to designing machines, as well as a whole host of on-site maintenance and repair tasks that are seen across industries. When you have precision elements within your array of machines you can be sure to carry out the most ideal jobs with the best possible results.

Laser Precision

The flange flatness measurement tool includes an element for laser transmission with a rotating head that can transmit the laser across the space being investigated. The laser beam from the transmitter rotates constantly and creates a reference plane over the entire surface which can then be relayed and inspected for inconsistencies. As it scans a flat plane, upward or downward inconsistencies would show as peaks or gaps in the surface reading. When you have this ideal resource at your disposal you can get an accurate reading of the space and ensure that all elements are aligned before moving forward. From blades at either end of the rotation to a straight length of tubing, there are a number of ways a laser can make our efforts that much more effective.

Using The Tools

Measurements are performed quicker as you do not have to align the beam for each new flange or position of the elements. You place the detector at the desired points of interest and register the reading with a push of a button. In theory, it takes just a single person to carry out the measurement process, as it is a simple and understandable system. With its accurate and efficient feedback, it allows you to carry out much larger tasks in far less time.

3D Imaging Results

When you use machines like this that utilise technology for accuracy, you have the advantage of receiving a full 3D workup of the situation on the display unit directly after the process has taken place. You can evaluate the result easily with different calculation settings, for example, three-point reference, best fit or all positive. These give you significant insights into the positioning of the elements and how they will react to usage over time. This can also be done directly on-site without having to stop to go to a PC with separate analysis programs, meaning you can give a full-service solution that ensures all elements are accessible on-site and when you need them, without the delay of transferring data and off-site analyses at length. This makes production much more efficient. It is then possible to generate a PDF report containing graphs and measurement data directly from the measurement tool’s display unit.

When you utilise a flatness measurement tool to align your flanges you can ensure you have the most accurate possible insight into the elements at work. From repairs to maintenance and installation, this is the most effective way of ensuring that all your moving parts are as they are supposed to be. Contact us today to find out more about these systems.

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