How to Find Cheap Plane Tickets
  • Be flexible with your travel dates. If you can, avoid flying on weekends and during peak travel times, such as holidays and school breaks. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are often the cheapest days to fly.
  • Use a flight search engine. Flight search engines like Google / Flights, Kayak, and Sky scanner allow you to compare prices from different airlines and travel websites.
  • Book in advance. The earlier you book, the more likely you are to find a good deal.
  • Consider flying into a smaller airport. Smaller airports often have lower landing fees, which can translate into lower fares for passengers.
  • Sign up for email alerts from airlines and travel websites. This will help you to be notified of fare sales and discounts.

Here are some additional tips for finding cheap plane tickets:

  • Use a travel agent. A travel agent can help you to find the best deals on flights, hotels, and other travel arrangements.
  • Consider flying on a budget airline. Budget airlines often have lower fares than traditional airlines, but they may also have fewer amenities and stricter baggage restrictions.
  • Be willing to fly on a red-eye flight. Red-eye flights are often cheaper than daytime flights, but they can also be more uncomfortable.
  • Consider flying into a nearby airport. If you’re willing to drive a bit to and from your destination, you may be able to find a cheaper flight.

No matter what your budget is, there are ways to find cheap plane tickets. By following these tips, you can save money on your next trip.

In addition to the tips above, here are a few more things you can do to find cheap plane tickets:

  • Use a flight price tracker. A flight price tracker can help you to track the prices of flights over time and notify you when there is a price drop.
  • Consider using a credit card that offers travel rewards. Many credit cards offer rewards points or miles that can be redeemed for flights, hotels, and other travel expenses.
  • Be aware of flight sales and discounts. Airlines and travel websites often offer sales and discounts on flights, especially during the off-season.