Launching a website requires you to choose the website hosting server where you want your site to reside to be available online. You can purchase a web server and store it on your premises or opt for a web hosting service. There are many hosting services available like Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, Cloud Server Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, etc.
Cloud technology for website hosting has evolved as the preferred option since it caters to the changing requirements of websites and users. Hence, Cloud Website Hosting plans are more popular than others. Further, while purchasing Cloud Hosting services, you need to choose between Windows and Linux-based servers and unmanaged and managed services.
Today, we are going to talk about Managed Cloud Hosting solutions and share five things that you should know about them before buying.
In Cloud Hosting, your website data is stored across multiple servers. This allows the host to offer a range of benefits to websites like high reliability, instant scalability, top-notch security, etc. When it comes to Managed Cloud Hosting services, the host assigns a technical expert to run and manage the cloud server on your behalf.
The following video explains the Managed Cloud Hosting setup:
Here are five important things you need to know about Managed Cloud Hosting services.
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1: Managed Cloud Hosting Is Cost-Efficient
When you run/manage a website, there are various technical tasks that need to be taken care of regularly. Hence, site owners need some technical knowledge and time to perform them. Unmanaged hosting plans are cheaper since the site owner is required to handle all such tasks. While managed Cloud Website Hosting services cost a little more, they save a lot of time and effort for the site owner. Also, they are cheaper than hiring an IT professional to help you with site management.
2: You Get Better Support
All hosting plans managed or unmanaged receive technical support from the Cloud Web Host. While major issues are handled by the company regardless of who is managing the site, minor glitches that cause performance issues and need immediate attention are the ones that are solved faster with managed services. This is because the technical manager assigned to you can help you troubleshoot them quickly.
3: Better Security Of Your Website
Every hosting server has features that allow it to be secure to a certain extent. For example, regardless of the security tools used, a shared server carries a risk of one site getting infected and endangering the others. On the other hand, a Dedicated Server has no such issues. While each hosting server has certain pros and cons with respect to site security, the architecture of Cloud Hosting has helped it become one of the most secure hosting services compared to other traditional types. With Managed Cloud Hosting, the technical team regularly scans your site for vulnerabilities and infections and tackles them before your site is impacted.
4: Tailored Services
Typically, web hosting plans offer a range of features and benefits that your site may not need. However, since it is a part of the package, you end up paying for services that you never use. With managed Cloud Hosting, your technical manager can help you create a customized plan to ensure that you purchase a plan with features that are required by your site.
5: Regular Site Backups
Backups are crucial for your site. If the site data gets corrupted due to a security breach or hardware malfunction, or human error, then the backup can help you restore the site within no time. While site owners must ensure that they take backups themselves, most Cloud Hosting providers offer automatic daily backups on the cloud. With Managed Cloud Hosting services, the technical team ensures that these backups run without fail.
Summing Up
When you buy a Managed Cloud Hosting plan, you don’t have to worry about the technical aspects of hosting your site. Hence, you can focus on promoting your site and growing its viewership. While managed plans cost a little more than unmanaged plans, the benefits easily outweigh the costs.